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Tragic Truth of Balangiga Massacre: How US Soldiers Butchered Filipinos Over 10 Years Old

Tragic Truth of Balangiga Massacre: How US Soldiers Butchered Filipinos Over 10 Years Old
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Blog, Politics

“Politics have no relation to morals” or is it “Most Politicians have no morals?…”

We all know that politics is now very serious. And dirty.. It seems that everything is about business or money. Self interest. We, the citizen always hope that the person we vote will help change the rotten system of our government and finally hear our grievances. But who are the bravest people to take action to remind those in the position of their promised words when they are still running?

Another great conversation between me and my Swede friend. Here it goes..

“I want to tell you about this girl I’ve met this friday. 

She is maybe fourteen, fifteen years old. Wears braces, and has some spots as young teens often do. She and maybe fifty of her classmates, or other students of about her age who met over social media, sat down this Friday in front of parliament.

They had packed their bags, brought lunch, thermos of hot drinks, as well as rain coats, umbrellas and things to sit on. They had brought pens and paper, as well as sticks to make signs.

And they all sat down in front of parliament, choosing to protest rather than go to school that day, because they thought that they were not being represented in the campaigning. One of them, the organizer, a fifteen year old girl named Greta, has protested every week day, 9-15, since the beginning of August. 

I walked up to them, or two of them who were talking, and one of them introduced themselves and shook my hand. I told that she was the most impressive, most admirable, and beyond else, most inspiring person that I could think of in the whole world that day. 

I told her that my family and sister had wanted me to say that, and that I was saying it for myself, from the bottom of my being, that whatever may come of this, that they give me hope. I asked them to pass my message on to Greta, and they seemed genuinely touched.

Greta has said that she will continue her protest, every Friday, until the climate goals are met by parliament.

She’s fifteen.

She can’t vote for another four years.

But she, and people like her, I feel are the reason for me to get up in the morning with some iota of hope. Because if a child’s earnest desire to see a better future can make her stand up to adult fear and stupidity… Well, at some point maybe we all can..”

Read more about Greta..

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Blog, nature, Politics

Is Global Warming a Myth? Or Are We Just Stupid to Believe it’s a Hoax?

I do not understand why it is widely debated whether global warming is a myth or not. We all know that it is not a hoax. Why? Okay, let’s say since primary school, science has taught us about greenhouse effect and this natural umbrella of us which is the ozone layer. How it is related to global warming, which results to climate change that we are really experiencing now.

Let’s do some recap, it is really important to remember things we learned from school. Greenhouse gases contains carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. These gases formed layer around earth. It keeps our earth warm when some sun rays hit it and by stopping some rays that reflects back towards space.

So what is our bad contribution on this? We know that most of the time, too much is not good. So what we’re doing is we increasing the amount of these gases like smoke from the factories and cars which produces methane and carbon dioxide. Burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil. Oil and Gas drilling or wells releases methane and toxic gases into the atmosphere.  That means Greenhouse gases becoming thicker. It blocks more sun rays that reflect back towards space. It captures more heat. And cutting trees and plants doesn’t help too because it breathes in carbon dioxide thus reducing it from the atmosphere. So earth becoming warmer.

Let’s talk about Ozone Layer, it is mainly found in the lower portion of stratosphere approx. 20-30km or more or less 65,000-98,000 feet. Highest certified altitude of an Airliner is 60,000 feet only and commercial aircraft typically fly in an altitude between 30,000-38,000feet. Ozone Layer plays very important role in our health. It absorbs ultraviolet rays which has harmful effects like eye cataracts, skin cancers and less plants. And we are destroying this very important layer by using all kinds of air conditioners, refrigerators, fire extinguishers, and aerosol spray cans.

But why even there is a major change in climate because of the global warming, there are a lot of people who falls to this stupid idea that it is all just a hoax? Geez! Do we need to give a serious punch on their faces?? So maybe they’ll wake up in a reality. You think Politics gave a great contribution on this matter? Yes maybe? They should be the one who impose laws to protect our environment or what we called our mother earth. But most politicians are businessmen. And some businessmen helps these politicians in most of their campaigns by funding them (mutual benefit). So what do you think what kind of business that contributes to global warming? I’m sure we all have an idea of what. Oil and gas exploration, constructions of buildings and infrastructure that requires cutting of trees. More production of appliances. Et al.

And we actually have a great participation on this. And now is the time to reverse the effect. Recycling. Right usage of appliances. Using solar power would be the best alternative too (uh oh, it will hurt the oil and gas industry). Et al.

I remember when our professor told us that instead of farting at someone’s face (my seatmate in secondary school cried because one of our classmate farted on her face) give it to the plants near you.. It’s funny but i usually run outside the classroom when i feel like i need to realease gas and give those nice plants some favor, wink! I guess we all need to ponder about our days in school and what we have learned from there. Maybe that’s why the younger ones, the students are more worried and concerned about this global warming and or climate change because their minds are still fresh and not corrupted yet. And maybe we should part ways the religion and science like some believes that what’s happening now is because it’s the will of god. Really? Don’t me..

Please help us support Solar Power by signing this petition..

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